If you lot create out 1 or several file servers inwards your infrastructure, you lot may convey the volition to preclude users to glue files amongst specific extensions. This behaviour tin move motivated because you lot don’t convey plenty storage for big files or for safety reasons. Moreover, if you lot utilisation DFSR to replicate shared folder to roughly other site, you lot don’t desire to block the bandwidth amongst a moving painting replication.
Microsoft Windows Server included a component subdivision which render us the might to create out files on shared folder: File Server Resource Manager (FSRM).
File Server Resource Manager FSRM
In social club to block, deny roughly file extensions, nosotros require to install in addition to configure this role. Let’s run across how to create that amongst Server 2012 R2.
Role Installation
File Server Resource Manager is a role included nether the File in addition to Storage Services.
- To install FSRM, teach to Server Manager in addition to cheque File Server Resource Manager:
FSRM Installation
- Confirm Role installation in addition to expression to finish:
Role Installation
Role Installation
- After the installation, you lot volition teach the File Server Resource Manager console.
FSRM Console
Configuring Server Options
In add-on to deny the file, nosotros tin enable file server to ship e-mail for each file blocked, to administrator in addition to the user itself. To create this, nosotros require to configure Server Options:
- Right clic on File Server Resource Manager (Local) and lead Configure Options.
FSRM Server Options
- On the Email notification tab, laid upward your e-mail server in addition to an e-mail address. You tin laid upward your safety squad distribution listing for example.
FSRM Email notification
Extensions Policy
Microsoft provides us xi File Groups which comprise extension types. For example, the File Group Audio in addition to Video Files blocks all movies in addition to music extension, similar .avi in addition to .mp3.
Default File Group extensions
Once, the file Group is created, nosotros require to deploy the template on a folder.
- Right clic on File Screen under File Screening Management:
Create File Screen
- Enter the path of your folder in addition to lead the template used.
File Screen Information
- We desire to modify settings for this screen, similar e-mail notification. Right clic on your File Screen in addition to lead “Edit File Screen Properties“
File Screen Properties
- On the start tab, we can modify if it is an Active or Passive screening. We tin lead 1 or several file groups to deny.
File Screen Settings
- On the Email Message, nosotros enabled FSRM to send email at the user in addition to roughly other address when a file is blocked.
File Screen Setting Messages
- By default, FSRM ship a Warning data to the Event Logs. We tin enable or disable this:
Screen Settings Event Logs
- It is possible to operate a ascendence trouble or script for each file blocked:
File Screen Command
Henceforth, when a user tries to re-create glue a file amongst a blocked extension, he volition teach an Access denied error:
Access denied file extension
At the same time, he volition have an email, but equally the e-mail laid upward inwards Email message tab.
Blocked file email
You tin teach to a greater extent than data well-nigh File Server Resource Manager here.